Wednesday, November 28, 2007

switch <3

tagged by : jasmine

1. do the following WIHTOUT complains .
2. choose 5 people to do this after completing yours .
3. leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged .

Favourites :
colour : black, purple, white.
food : cheese cake .
song : kakegae no nai uta by mihimaru gt. {:
movie : deathnote :D

Have YOU Ever :
Dated your best friend : yea, so fun ;D
Broken the law : yea ;o
Been arrested : almost :D
Skinny-Dipped : no, eew!
Been on tv : i think so. lol.
kissed someone you don't know : been dared to kiss on the cheek luh. lol.

5 things you are wearing :
tank top, shorts, anklets, idk-what, idk-what.

4 things youve done tday :
see jeffrey, disturb jeffrey, crap with jeffrey&david, hugged jeffrey.

3 things you can hear right now :
fan, my nails, keyboard.

1 thing you do when you are bored :
find drea to ddr.

5 winners who win :

AHHH FED UP AHHHHH. you go type it out yourself ;D there's an internet browser that allows you to high light even with the anti-high ligh code ;DD heh. and also right click.. so slowly figure..

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