we had joy,
we had fun,
we had seasons in the sun..
at least it was enjoyable. :) really. i'm so gonna miss all the random perfume scents in the class & mr chong. :) SIGHHHH. WHY DO ALL GOOD THINGS COME TO END? anyway. here's the crazy crap we all had...
everyone headed down east coast park today. i went with those who took public transport down, which included me, enxin, vivian, brenda, juma'ah, aqylah, qihuang & mintun. though we didn't exactly leave admiralty at 11.30am... we still made our way down to east coast park okays! :)
we reached there and found the low lying areas flooded... with what? with brenda's saliva... at least she admitted that she was bored last night, so she went down to ecp..
{ so zor tang lors..
thankfully there're only two directions in ecp - left or right/front or back. because meiting just told us, "you don't know where pit 17 is? just face the beach and keep walking to your right." -.-! luckily we found them, otherwise we'd just be there playing by the beach. lols. taufik brought his skateboard along, as per usual. i don't know why la, enxin is so fascinated by it.
{ the board is travelling but she isn't
{ taufik is being cool, :) like he always is
the organisers planned amazing race.. i think i'm getting bored of it, \: almost all camps have this game.. so it kinda sucks. but still, at least they came up with something, & they put in the effort. so i guess it's only right for us to play their games.
everybody was reluctant to be in the groups the organisers had placed them in, so they had no choice, even mr chong, but to let us get into our own groups. they said they'd planned a maths pro in every group... but they still let us get in our own groups, so brenda, vivian, enxin, me & taufik got into our group. :)
taufik's so funny cans.. he's in love with enxin's purple phone (i am, too) and the transformers sticker on the cover.
{ enxin doesn't even know why the sticker is there -.-!
lol.. i think this is the one and only class outing which i didn't organise ^^"~ i'm usually one of the organisers and i don't know why.. it's kinda sad though, because today, i'm playing the games..
vivian & i got bored while waiting for our first clue... so..
{ left vivian, right dinah
at least we cleared the first station okays! not bad liao hors, shows that we've got brains.
{ here's our sotong brenda arguing with our suave mr chong! (lolx.)
{ and then with the station masters. lol wtf.
(brenda's fed-up with me screaming at almost every dog.)
oh yah, it was really very windy today. so cold.
{ they were like rubbing each others' noses luh.
we reached station 2, and had to DANCE. anything lor, we did the infamous brenda version of twinkle twinkle little stars. t-.- so many people were like staring at us, wondering wtf is wrong with us lors. nvm, vivian, enxin, brenda and i are from the shameless toots.. so it's okay.. and taufik is so blur... so it makes no difference anyways.. :)
then we moved on the station 3, but couldn't find charles. STUPID GORILLA, WILL IT KILL YOU TO NOT RUN AROUND FOR A DAY?? so we gave up... but on our way we saw..
{ a woman covering her head with a paper bag..
{ a group of indians who wanted to take a picture... with us? eee, biantai.. nonono, we rejected and taufik, being blur.., helped them...
{ a real pyramid.. at least it's made of sand.
{ another dog.. (but it's not cute lors.)
{ a beautiful sandcastle :)
{ a hole in the sand.. reminds me of fantasticfour.. the part where the ferris wheel was like dropping and then the silver surfer made a hole that sucked up all the water into the crater of the earth... i wonder what happened to all the rest of the water anyways... maybe brenda drank it up and spitted it around the place...
then we went to deesiao brenda in the sand. since we had our slippers off and our toes were tickling the sand, vivian, enxin and i covered brenda's feet! :) taufik was still walking around blurly..
i love the way the waves lick the shore, makes the shoreline so smooth.
okay, we decided to not waste time anymores, so we went to find meiting. :) we bluffed her that we completed all the stations.. haha. all but one.. we forgot about her station.. i don't know, but meiting didn't tell us anything and we had to do the forfeit, which was to eat the chilli. it tasted bland, no soya sauce.. so i didn't eat all. ^^"~ but it still tasted sweet overall.
we made a deal with meiting - we would continue playing the game, if she told us where all the other station masters were =x in exchange for us doing forfeits for all stations except for veronica's & hers..
brenda was like -.-~ so fed up liaos, enxin was like "you just tell us where the station masters are, we will find them and forfeit all the way! you write down on a piece of paper.", vivian was like "-.-~ no mood no mood", and taufik was like ??? lols. i was watching the show...
however we didn't find anyone :) we went straight back to the pit.
AWW THE ORIGINAL GAME DIDN'T WORK OUT. because amazing race never works in places like these.
so we just went straight for the BBQ! :)
the dog looked kinda sot in the first pic =x
i don't know which dog to love?? sorry i have a fetish for dogs :) AAAHHHHHH!
haha. it was at around 5 when vivian, enxin, brenda, taufik & i headed to the beach near our pit. the sand in that area was like SUPER SMOOTH LAH! lol. so we played there for around half hour ba.. until the others joined us and keesiaoed together :)
somehow when you're having too much fun you don't notice the other things around you.
[and girlf called me!! suddenly so happy.]
vivian & i were so amused by a coconut! omg.
eh there was wind... so the thing slipped off our fingers de okay... not we dunnoe how to throw..
& this is our suave mr chong being the satay man :)
{ apparently this was built when we were having too much fun.
meiting, veronica and lingling came to join in the keesiaoness. they wanted to 'commit suicide' by walking into the sea. I HAVE NO COMMENTS.
i really don't know what enxin is thinking lah?? she wanted me to take a picture of her before she 'dies'. -.-? siao.
okay lor, i post for you to see...
{ I WANT TO DIE :( (-.-?)
(those who want this pic, leave me a tag, i will send it to you.. email, friendster, phone... please specify.. lols. no funny things hor! like send to your backside..)
{ i got nth to say??
they didn't go far in the first try because i think vivian or enxin suddenly screamed or what ah? then they all run back. lols. and then again!
{ diao -.-!
{ and AAHHHH! (lol)
{ "wah seh, so scary lah.. there like got curb.. almost fall down... you wanna try?"
{ lol, i have no comments for this. please click.
for my non-chinese friends, the chinese characters mean :
"if they drift any further, they'll appear on the news. & if they do, i'll die of laughter." LOLLLLLL
I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHY THIS ENXIN SO KEESIAO ONE. vivian wanted to walk into the sea again.. so she asked enxin too.. but before they started walking.. enxin screamed at this...
a floating plastic bag...
lol.. so she walked into the water alone to prove to me that she wasn't afraid. but when the high wave came in... (i lazy to edit..) anw she looks terrified of the plastic bag... same same, this picture has 2 meanings... :)
{ vivian: !! enxin: OH MAMA the sea so big
{ & 1 more dog picture :) so sad i couldn't take anymore because i was overexhausted at seeing dogs... :)
the sun began to set, and the barbeque has finally begun.. :) meiting had to cook for brenda, vivian, enxin & i for cheating our feelings! she told us there was a nearer toilet so we went in the opposite direction... & then i slowly rmbed that there was NO toilet further down. t-.-! so she had to cook for us. :) THANKS MEITING, :D haha. so nice of you, but your crabsticks are always not cooked well enough.. got cold cold one leh.
i shall end this oh so fun but tiring, lovely, sentimental day with the sunset.. :)