Thursday, September 27, 2007

UNCONTROLLABLE SPASM STRUCK VIVIAN TODAY WHILE WAITING FOR ENXIN! muahaha. she went crazy over the "water baby" and ... -.-" u see for yourself.

{ counting the teeth on the comb

{ HAHAHA and juma'ah checked if vivian had a fever. so cute luh.

{ && vivian tried to influence juma'ah into counting! noo!


{ && lingling ACTUALLY let vivian count the teeth on her comb. WTF!!

{ && she fucking calculated that if lingling paid 30cents more, she could get 4 or 5 more teeth on her comb. WTFFFFFF

okaaaay. before vivian's condition aggravated, enxin came and saved the day!! :D but THEN. she sent vivian into another condition...
they both went crazy over the water baby.. which is actually osmosis... rofl. i'll let you see ~

{ she's being autistic!

{ && she's shaking it!


{ thankfully it was mostly only enxin that went spastic.

{ okay forget what i just said.

{ she claims it is a censor.

{ see vivian~~

{ okay this is supposed to show the water babies but apparently... somebody's face... and finger...

{ okay randomness xD


{ yehyeh, spasms.

{ stop showing it off cuz i also have mine -.-



during sst, brenda and i competed to see whose handwriting was the smallest. lol. whatever brenda, i won okays.

{ the smaller handwriting is obviously mine, thanks.

{ haha, i so totally rock.

science lesson was spastic. teacher was going through our science worksheet and she so totally went offtrack. -.-" and started talking about some sec3,sec4 stuff. so much until brenda dozed off. whee.

{ CO + CO and what?

& since it was mid-autumn fest, vivian and i did our usual stuff on this day every year. ^^ play with candles and try to make better stuff than last year.

{ samesame, we made the heart.

{ & broke our record candles. 600+

{ we had to stick em one by one. (like duh.)

& ezekiel emoed-.-" lol. giraffes fuck walls yeh. anyway, his broken heart didn't look like a broken heart. so, whatever. anyways... i love the pic that i took that no one captured. loves!

{ the "broken heart" in process

{ let it burn !

{ let the wax flow

{ creds to ; ezq for making , dinah for photography

{ && the aftermath (of cheap candles)

i was supposed to meet fwb 5oclock @ heeren. {: and so i did. school ended early, so i followed taufik and valery to valery's drum lessons. ^^ i snapped a pic of taufik drumming. sweet stuff :)

{ && so the emoness goes on...

&& so we waited for val's drum lessons to end before deciding on what other stuff we could do over at dbg before heading back to woodlands. snapple like, tastes so nice! :D

{ the threesome =)

since taufik brought his skateboard along, and it was still kinda early for me to go meet jeffrey, i pleaded valery and taufik to do something else first. which they decided to go to skate park! haha. the guys were neither hot nor cute. blearghs. but the people were still cool, the stunts and ollie : D

after i neo-ed, i headed back to church. we didn't really study though~.~ played around with the skateboard. then val went spastic and started sitting on the skateboard -.- and rolling around. hahaha. and taufik tried some stunt... lying down on the board and going under a table.


{&& babyfist!

{oh, and more spastic pictures.

{ && spastic videos



(: andrea gave me a pink pather tissue.

i so totally love snow. -.-