Monday, December 10, 2007

i stare into oblivion

yepyep. went to pig last night so i didn't update. i see people's updated blog and then i am forced to update. *shrugs* oh well. haha. made a new skin for my godbro, azure is love {: haha. nothing much really happened yesterday, just that i ddred with my godbro and went christmas shopping~

i met my godbro at around 1.45pm and we headed down to jurong point together. :) i tried my first DOUBLE! and it was so fun. but i kept stepping on the nails. man. \: so pain~ while exoticethnic-ing the nail tore my skin and i failed exoticethnic. damn. \: so pain~
after ddring, we cooled off a little at macdonald's, where ezam & her brother stepped into the picture! wow. and we started off our christmas shopping {:

FIRST STOP! kiddy palace.
we're looking for soft toys. ohmy. didn't have much to do but to look around and poke stuff. haha. followed my godbro and ezam around kiddy palace.

this chicken clucks! i mean seriously! so cute. so evil. looks like you eh?

walked a little down the aisle and spotted EEYORE! yay~

justin kept saying the eeyores were suffering from down syndrome or something.. made me laugh so hard. then he went to poke the belly. -______-

oh wells, what do you expect from my godbro? *shrugs*

we tried toys'r'us, but didn't find any good stuff in there, so we went down to gift a name. :) so nice of ezam to buy me that dog i loved so much! yesyes, it's this dog:

i'll be getting it on 16th, when we see each other again for the chalet~ omgomgomg i can't wait to have it =x

yes you can find this in gift a name.. -.- justin and ezam agreed that this looked like some kind of hunter's trophy case.. you have the head hanging there for everyone to see... poor thing ah...

did nothing much later but continued walking around and hunting for (not heads) more soft toys! haha.. then my godbro went to get something from randall {: and er, he lent it to me.. it's a cross! <33