Saturday, April 12, 2008

shalalalala, in the morning;. \"(;,,;)"/

I was reading Pingping's blog and I chanced upon this web. It tells us not to be fooled by the food packagings! They may look realy nice but end up like .____." wtf. Pundo 3000 shows you how true the packagings of the food really is! Really entertaining. ^___^v

Today I called the cck peeps, and Andrea and Lydia to celebrate Jeffrey's birthday. Though it really is so far off from what I expected... I guess it's our presence that makes it all up :) I shan't tell you what we bought for Jeff but when Lydia and I bought Jeff's present, I got some USB aroma thingy for Darling. :) It's to help him stay awake *__* I know I shouldn't be keeping him up awake while he games. Aren't I such a wonderful person? ^_________________^v~~*

I also bought him some candy. Chocolates and lemon sweets. Sweets for my sweet. Heh xD I wonder why am I buying so much candy for Darling. o_o! Lol. But it's nice okay! I only buy Meiji candy for him... Isn't Meiji just the dreamiest candy&chocolate brand~? Heh :x

Yesterday I went to the Planetshaker's concert with Janelle and Kathlyn and two other idiotic guys called Kevin and Brendan. Lol that Brendan guy got lost at Changi I think ~_~ (omg I forgot how to spell CHANGI for a moment ftw!) The concert was awesome.. Though I fell asleep halfway through.. I think I was too tired out, I could even fall asleep at such a noisy place! zomg pls. :o

I am thinking of buying a dress but it sounds ridiculous... But I think I will be getting it. HAHAHA. :D Let it rot in my closet >:D yeh~~