dinokor and i went to find girlf today. because he missed us so much so we went to find him. yeh, we miss my girlf too, so :) yay, for the dinopigs. we all met today. haha.
dinokor & i met at cck. then we took a bus down and had lunch before meeting girlf. the busride was so fun please. the bus was SO empty. ^^~ girlf went home to change before meeting us again, so dinokor and i ddred 1 round. we kind of like wasted time in pwp, but as least we had fun; we met each other.. & i'll miss my girlf so much when he leaves for hk.. like dinokor will miss him too :(
haha. we went so spastic today.. i didn't know girlf would like THAT mirror too pl0x. (we even took photos while we were on the escalator!)
{ they forgot abt me, : (
{ & spasticism.
after that, dinokor & i headed back to cck.
he sent me off to the busstop & went off to have dinner with his friend. haha. & i went home to talk to my girlf. :)