made brenda laugh today. :D hee.
here's our locker, xD filled with crap. the other day was much more candid though. ^^
okay, iuno why, but vivian and enxin wanted to neo today o.o;; so i just went along, and enxin called charles along too. haha. we had lunch before neo-ing, and then we went to print club.
outside there, we were still deciding whether we wanted to neo or not. ~.~ we went to the extent of flipping coins... many times, but still, we didn't neo. oh wells... so we wasted time in cwp.
we went to mini toons to buy lollipops, then uncle tidbits and then to popular, where we saw a horrible, terrible, horrific assessment book.
{ !
{ this should be the right example!
after all the confusion, we went back to mini toons to get our lollipop. HAHAAAA. and then we went to "cause trouble" in comics connection... & enxin and i caught sight of this doll that looked like it had been raped. :o
{ xD
{ && censor!
{ woaaaahhhh o.o;; poker cards??
{ lolol, and vivian went spastic. ~.~ batman ehhs.
then vivian walked enxin, me and charles to gift-a-name (she said more than words =3=) and enxin..... hai~ you know what enxin's up to again~
{ see my head, i look like winniethepooh~
&& then we went to more than words, ^^ and i scared enxin with a tigger hand puppet xD
then charles and i went to take a seat cuz vivian & enxin wanted to find the `water babies` and also cuz charles' leg was pain. :o lolness, and i was shocked at what the `water babies` really looked like. zomgggggggggg~
{ they're actually ORNAMENTS. wtf??
{ see what happens when you try to kick me.
{ and this is how you will be when you listen to me =x
{ && emoness... >.>"
WOO! then ezq came over. and then we decided to neo. LOLS, vivian found it weird to neo with less than 5 people -.-" so then with ezq now, we went to neo! ^.^~
&& then i saw jeffrey's and my neo! HEHHHH.
hee & after the *tiring day* today, i went home. ^.^v