Thursday, May 1, 2008

& remember me tonight, when you're asleep.


Yep, it's labour day today! Marks the month of being together again. :) I haven't been talking much to my FWB for quite some time... Gomen! >.< But then again... ^_^

I was supposed to go over to Darling's place for lunch today but apparently *something* happened so we decided to eat out. :) Yay, I've got myself a new PURPLE comb and a new PURPLE mirror and a new PINK handphone charm. Heh. ^_^v

Darling came to CWP and then decided that we should eat at Sakae Sushi. :o Haha, I kinda forgot one of the dishes's names.. ^_^"

Come to think of it... I wonder how many times have we fell out... :o Because after everything, we still stick together... Hmm. We have known each other for say, a year or more? before doing anything much. Heh, I know, we're cool. <3

I love you too much, dar. I'm starting to miss you a lot =.="

& loved;


By the way, here are two books I recommend you readers to read. 'My Sister's Keeper' and 'Mercy', both by Jodi Picoult. These two books are like, her best, in my opinion. Maybe 'Vanishing Acts' too, because there are many, MANY, so many that I cannot stress this enough, types of ways to start your essays by the theme.

'Three months ago, if you asked me, I would have told you that if you really loved someone, you'd let them go. But now I look at you, and I dream about Maggie, and I see that I've been wrong. If you really love someone, Allie, I think you have to take them back.'

Page 374, Jamie MacDonald, Mercy by Jodi Picoult.

My mother moves so fast I do not even see it coming. But she slaps my face hard enough to make my head snap backwards. She leaves a print that stains me long after it's faded. Just so you know: shame is five-fingered.

Page 54, Anna Fitzgerald, My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.

What if a giant funnelweb spider crawled out of that hole over your head and bit you on the neck? What if the only antidote for venom was locked up in a vault on the top of a mountain? What if you lived through the bite, but could only move your eyelids and blink out an alphabet? It doesn't really matter how far you go; the point is that it's a world of possibility. Kids think with their brains cracked wide open; becoming an adult, I've decided, is only a slow sewing shut.

Page 299, Anna Fitzgerald, My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.

I don't know why it's called "getting lost." Even when you turn down the wrong street, when you find yourself at the dead end of a chain-link fence or a road that turns to sand, you are somewhere. It just isn't where you expected to be.

Page 85, Cordelia Hopkins, Vanishing Acts by Jodi Picoult.