And it’s draining all of me
Oh they find it hard to believe
I’ll be wearing these scars
For everyone to see
I don’t care what they say
I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I keep bleeding...
Bleeding Love- Leona Lewis
(p/s: i love her super high vocals.)
do you know how much it hurts even when you think it's fun to play gooseberry/lightbulb/lamppost? it hurts
SO MUCH even when it's in the name of fun. i've had enough. this is the 3rd time i'm actually doing this. weird isn't it, i should be very fine with this feeling, but no, this time i nearly fell into depression. thank you kor, i love you
i can't take it anymore. so i've confessed to you, though i don't expect anything back in return & i blame myself totally for even thinking about
THAT. maybe i'm just too nice at times, so nice that i even lose my footing.. and yes, i will break his heart for what breaks mine. i know i promised to make sure you'd be happy, but now i guess i have to break it because i can't fulfil it,
i can't. but i'll still watch over you okay, as a sister. i don't know what to feel now.
* * *TODAYYYYY!i didn't go meet jeffrey & david at 11. instead i went to yck stadium with drea to attend the youth ministry's programme aka, shout to the north (or sth like that). \: maybe it's just me, but i think it's kinda like my fault for ruining the day, but hey, it's not totally my fault, because i'm not the entertainer here, yeah. you gotta learn to move on WITHOUT me, learn to do things WITHOUT me. because i won't be around in times to come. i don't want ...
anyway, jeffrey&david and drea&i went down to cck.. i don't know luh, whats up with you? am i really THAT important? come on, i look like i don't give a damn about insults but HELL, i give. to put it nicely, i'm just giving in to you, sucking up to you. to put it badly, it's just that i don't show it to give you face lor. whatever.
things didn't go so badly later, or as i presumed because i had to think positively. i have to be an optimist to help the people around me. after jeffrey&david left, i ddred with drea and got another AAA, though it's a basic song. lol. so close to PFCing it. ~.~ got external distraction :( HAI~ no comment.
{ grats to andrea for AA-ing & me for AAA-ing, lol. still got two more.
{ freeze arrows = step & freeze not step & let go, andrea. ( i have this for baby tears lol.)
then drea&i fooled around in the library and i finally found my 'lady friday' by garth nix in the library! ♥~ like zomg! lol. and we went to the pasar malam. had nuggets and walked around... i find pasar malams funny, in my opinion. they sell weird things, and they display their things quite interestingly. =x no offense.
{ please click to get a better view~
{ barneys not in fashion pl0x.
today has been such a crappy day, indeed. no comment & i do not wish to elaborate.
YESTERDAYYYYY!dental appointment. :D
& then i went to fetch jeffrey home again with david. so nice to waste time eh? the sun sets in the west, but the sunset is just as sweet as it is in the west over here in the east. :)
{ lol, pose~
{ the process of the sun setting, ;o
{ lol.
{ clouds are yummyyyyyyyyyyyy ♥
after sending jeffrey home, david went to dbg to find his friend and i went to cck to find drea. she had a friend called adam with her. then drea&i ddred and played spot-the-difference, and we completed all 20 photos again. lol.
{ such a random shot~
and i got two more AAAs, and drea got two more AAs. she's now feeling depressed because she's always so close to an AAA ;o haha.
{ they're basic because we random the songs. i'm player 1.
after playing and all, drea decided to go home, so we all parted ways.
{ zai la~!
this is what happens when you miss a train.THURSDAYYYYY!yesh, same thing, sent jeffrey home.
{ hello, this is jeffrey's cousin.
jeffrey's a plant, this is imo aka a potato.old chang kee is really earning loadsza money from david&jeffrey&me because we keep buying food from them. =3=
{ this is littering.
lolol, then waste so much time:) i was supposed to meet lydia but this david keep wasting my time.. we tried bus966, took it down to woodlands. i was carrying a bag.. & my bag had a lovely tail which got SAT ON by some effin idiot.. david wanted to pull it out but then i was afraid that the guy jump or what ... so i asked lydia how. this is what she replied:
"den you tell him 'excuse me why are you sitting on my tail' like that la"
dont know why it sounded so funny back then when i received the sms.then we only reached woodlands at 8.20 lors. tsk! we rotted at cwp for 2 hours before they decided to camp in my house, -.-" then jeffrey got jealous =x haha..
we had nothing to do in the first few hours.. so we rotted more in my room. lol.
{ lydie has an affair with my horse.
yes yes, you all know we love to rot. yes, we rotted on the comp, spotting spelling errors made my lydia's friend on her own blog. lol. and here are the pics of lydie{:
{ all cleaned up!
lol okay. nothing more. {: so boring.